The sequelae of being single.

The sequelae of being single.

Most of the time, life is more ferocious than luck. Losing is also more frequent than owning.

1. I look at my friends, but I am at home alone.

Erba has a new boyfriend, maybe less than two months since she cried to me about her ex's crimes on her last sleepless night. They have been in a relationship for less than half a month, and they open gifts live in their moments every day. Today, a handful of pink roses, tomorrow hand in hand to visit the store, today's moments are even worse, sending out a bag that has wanted to pull up the grass for a long time.

she said her male friend said, "I couldn't control your bad life without me in the past. Now that I'm here, I want you to forget the bad things in the past." I asked her to pay me money, which made my newly mended teeth sore (disgusting) off.

Xiao Xin, the straight steel man of the mother-fetal solo, unexpectedly began to show his love in the moments, starting at 8: 00 in the morning. Why do you want to buy anything for your girlfriend's birthday?

what do you want to buy for your girlfriend's birthday? How about a red rose? Vulgar? How about pink roses?

my friend won't let me buy it from the flower shop in front of my house. What's the difference between wild beast pie and rose only,?

is the lipstick too casual to show your heart?

skincare products? I heard that all girls like preserved plums? What kind of skincare products do you use?

which is suitable for my girlfriend?

is jewelry all right? What do you recommend?

look, no one paid any attention to him and asked me to answer questions from 09:30 in the morning until I got off work in the evening. I pushed a total of 13 new herbs, three restaurants I wanted to go to, and a favorite flower arrangement shop I went to. Then I watched him and her little girlfriend buy what I like, eat the restaurant I want, and hold the flowers in my favorite flower shop! To thank me, Xiao Xin ordered me a Haidilao takeout for one person. By the way, he gave me the broken doll he caught in the game hall, saying that he would accompany me instead of Haidilao's doll. 10086 smiling face, miss CNM very much.

look down at yourself. Apart from working hours, my cell phone hasn't rung for a long time, and my heart has never been excited except for a promotion and a raise at the end of the year.

every time I come home, I lie down directly, browse moments, watch TV, play games, eat potato chips, eat spicy gluten and drink carbonated drinks, trying to prove how free I am to be alone. But always at the moment when the lights are about to be turned off on the bed, looking at the particularly dazzling lights overhead, I envy them very much. I can sprinkle an effective value-added jiao when I forget to turn off the lights in front of countless nights in bed.

but when I think about the growth of love, I feel exhausted, meeting for the first time, being in love, falling in love, contradiction, quarreling, becoming a true fruit, or being a stranger. Once loved so much for so many years, and finally became A, B, C, D.

if the result is to separate, it doesn't make any sense at first.

just like now, the more single you are, the less you love, and the less you love.

2. Love when browsing all the social software.

Social software is installed, deleted, and installed, and many chats end in the "Hi" of you and me. And these people who have said "Hi" to each other are also carefully selected by me in every silence and emptiness. However, most of them have no desire to speak after the sound of Hi. So go round and round, pinning the hope on the next "Hi".

I fantasize that one day I will be able to find someone who will not be able to Hi, maybe the other person will say one more word, maybe if I say more, I will be able to touch the corner of happiness again. It is impossible to hope on the possibility.

Fang Sheng died before he died.

I don't know when I began to believe that there are many traps in the gentle country, afraid of the sudden concern and friendliness of others, and the pain that I will never forget after forming a habit.


losing is more secure than owning has become the so-called golden rule.

A long time ago, when Zhang Xuan was still Zhang Xuan before he became Jiao Anpu, he sang

"all I have is a fluke, and all I lose is my life."

most of the time, life is more ferocious than luck.

losing is also more frequent than owning.

3. There is no love, it's just an embellishment on bread.

I am also used to seeing the noise and separation in city life, and I probably understand that I can't escape the reality that love is consumed in fuel, rice, and salt. How many nominal couples are just the best match for maximizing the use of resources? How many people have changed their criteria for choosing a mate from hobbies, habits, and character to work, family and salary?

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after the target is achieved, having the so-called love is just an accessory for two people to get along harmoniously, which requires material and physical verification.

then love becomes scheming.

what's more, there is no love, but the embellishment on the bread, the umbrella handle on the cocktail, the glass roof in the summer sun.

Love always stays in the best memories or imagination.

all things are natural and have lust.

it's just that love at the age of 20 used to be a sea.

now it's empty, and then re-injecting water can't save the dryness that can't be saved.

was careful to say that I may never love again.