I wish you happiness, but I will not wish you happiness.

I wish you happiness, but I will not wish you happiness.

We might as well be strangers and two people we've never met, that's all.


when lobule and DD break up, they decide not to tear up their faces and continue to be friends. So the two walked together again, having dinner with friends, drinking with friends, and going out with friends. At first, they swore to each other, "it doesn't matter, if there is another partner, you can bring it out together." After all, they are friends. "

after all, we are friends, so we should not be jealous or moved.

is a friend after all.

once DD brought a new girl to dinner, two people crowded together, DD picked up food for the girl, told her that this was delicious and that one was nutritious, blamed her for always eating too little and too thin, and the girl complained angrily in a low voice. Xiaoye sat opposite them, clutching the wine glass all the time, without drinking or lifting it, just clinging to it and talking about something unknown to his friends around him.

my friends all think that Ye and DD have become friends again, and their relationship is as simple as they used to be. After all, what Xiaoye often says is, "break up, those things are long gone, they are just good friends." She smiled, picked eyebrows at her concerned friends and said, "you don't have to worry. I don't care anymore."


I don't care about it for a long time. Maybe when I break up, I feel that I haven't said anything too hard, which is a leeway for each other. The day you said you were going to leave, I once severely asked you why you didn't love me and why you abandoned me. At that time, a word, a look, a movement can make me explode. I know I am not such a person, but all my hostility and grievances, paranoia and willfulness are sensitive because you have become fragile and sensitive. I wish I could give you all my heart and heart.

who likes to worry about gains and losses, then I will pretend to be your good friend, watch you accompany other girls laughing and scolding, and can say to you indifferently, as long as you are happy. What is a big belly, nothing more than breaking your teeth to swallow into your stomach, how painful your heart is, you have to pretend that it is light and light, and you smile and say that I am all right.

what's it like to care about a person? You are 100% possessive of him, you think about him every minute, you guess the meaning behind every reply, you are afraid that one day he will really leave without saying goodbye, you are afraid that he will never care about you again.

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We are all very afraid of disappointed people, afraid of punching empty fists, afraid of not getting a response. I can see at a glance all the clues that he wants to go, and he doesn't even bother to hide his strength, so let him go. Those things about me, my emotions, and my joys and sorrows, I don't want them to become a burden for that person all the way in the future.

I remember lobular asking me before, "will he come back?" She didn't say anything about him, and she didn't care about him, but he was in every sentence, and I almost had a cocoon in my ears.

that's probably what it is to care about a person. Start with your heart, slowly infiltrate into the details, constantly compromise with yourself, and comfort yourself that everything will pass. it seems that every sentence I have said, the old movies I have seen, the details I have happily ignored, they have reminded me so clearly that those who leave, those farewell, those confessions, a line connecting from the past to the future, like a full-fledged motto, about the future, we already know the ending, don't we?

you are not a vicious person, so I can't even say anything cruel. I can only think about the rest of your life, will it be better than with me? If in the future, I say if, if I meet the one you are holding you with, I wish you happiness, but I don't wish you happiness.

We might as well be strangers, as two people we have never met, that's all.