Flowers have a reopening day.

Flowers have a reopening day.

The best way to experience a place is to live long enough before leaving that place.

the best way to experience the beauty of a place is to live long enough before leaving that place. After moving out of champagne, I finally spent the whole spring in Chicago. Every few days from early spring to late spring, I can't help thinking, "it's so warm this year, isn't the cherry blossom of champagne already in bloom?" in the twinkling of an eye, in late April, the campus of champagne should be full of begonia." at this meeting in early May last year, there were four flowers in full bloom, but it was a pity that they were rarely seen in Hyde Park.

probably because there is less soil and more cement in the city, the spring flowers in Chicago seem to be squeezed out from the cement cracks in the streets and alleys, with less full, bright, and full vitality. Although the spring of champagne is the same as that of small towns in the Midwest, it always gives me the feeling that flowers bloom for ten miles because of its sparsely populated land and longhouses and lanes. What is rarer is that these ten miles of flowers have long been taken for granted by the people in the town. except for the occasional walkers, not many people stop and watch greedily like me. Think of the extra extravagant stillness of champagne in spring when you have to wait in line to take pictures in front of a potted plant in a big city park.

on a sunny weekend and a fine spring day, I would walk the streets all day like an old picker. When I saw that there were flowers in full bloom at the door of whose house, or on the top of the wall, I stopped to take a few pictures. When you meet someone who is just going out, say hello with a simple smile and move on. If the host is a young man, sometimes he will playfully greet me to take a picture of him, I will often be enthusiastic perfunctory, so as not to let the other side see that my mind is on the flowers on their doorstep. And more often, the flowers open, take care of their fall, long streets, far alleys, no one around, more like I am the only one, enjoy the town spring breeze alone.

the spring flowers in the town are either magnolia, begonia, bauhinia, or Sizhao flowers on the branches of the trees, or dandelions, lilies of the valley, geranium, or purple flowers in the wild in the meadows and forests, and then they are planted in the courtyards. There are all kinds of plants in the town, such as tulips, hyacinths, or purse peonies. At the beginning of spring, families begin to take care of the flowers in the front yard, almost all day on weekends. It's not supposed to be an easy job, but people seem to think that the flowers in the front yard are more important than the decoration in the house. And unlike the burden of sweeping the fallen leaves in autumn, if you plant it in spring, you will be able to see the fruit over some time. Because of these motivations, housework naturally becomes leisure. On the other hand, for those who rent an apartment like me, there is no courtyard to take care of. As long as they walk along the alley and enjoy the flowers of each family, it is also the welfare of the proletarians.

Flower appreciation is probably the best way to appreciate a small town in the Midwest, because it doesn't need to rely on the magnificent narration of the unique terrain like mountains and water, but it can take you through the streets here. Encounter a few flowers on the street, or look up, or squat down to take a closer look, move to a different angle, twos, and threes of flowers can always taste the same composition and color. Flowers are scattered around the corner again, so if you look at it slowly all the way, you can always find new ideas, and you will feel in a trance that there is no end to this spring.

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there may be many such corners in Chicago in spring. The reason why this hurried spring, I did not realize its good, probably because of my state of mind. In mid-April last year, the busiest and tiring period when my daughter was born was over, and the place to work was decided, so I finally breathed a sigh of relief. This gives me the feeling of enjoying the spring for the rest of my life in champagne. The beauty that can be seen when you look up is impossible to see in the days of heavy thinking. That's why I like the photos I took last year. Many of them were different attempts I was interested in, but now I recall them with ease. So I always feel that when I press the shutter, I will freeze not only the most gorgeous season of spring flowers but also the freest time of my life.

when I was young, I didn't like spring as much as I do now. In contrast to the brightness of spring, it is the coldness of winter that makes me feel down-to-earth. It may also be a kind of hostility of young life to younger life. I always unconsciously think that flowers are too delicate and short-lived. They will die at a 90% discount and fall as soon as they are touched. Over the past few years in champagne, I have gradually fallen in love with the beauty of spring here, and gradually I can better understand the exuberance of these new lives and the countless hopes hidden in those delicate flowers. Although they soon withered, they quickly melted into the sturdy torso of the thick green of summer. In the coming year, winter and spring will come again, and all the flowers will be replayed in the coming year.

this is much better than us. After our prime, our hair will always turn gray or shed, and we will not have the chance to become a yellow-haired boy or girl again. The birth of my daughter can be regarded as a new bud from my old tree. But she grew up independently as soon as she was born, and only bloomed for one season, which is the way we continue our lives. Fortunately, our lives can probably experience dozens of cold and summer, know how to appreciate flowers, learn to savor another kind of life, so often after my favorite winter, it is my favorite spring.

in May every year, there is only one kind of flower on the hillside of champagne, and that is dandelion. Although dandelions are blooming everywhere, the flowering period is very short. Inadvertently every two or three days, the yellow flower disappeared and turned into a white fluffy ball. As soon as the strong wind blew, the flower umbrella dispersed with the wind, leaving only the flower stem vaguely indistinguishable. It only takes a few days to get a picture of yellow flowers all over the mountains. You need to wait and watch, or the fluorescence will pass in the twinkling of an eye.

Last May, my daughter was less than eleven months old. More often than not, she is still climbing. One sunny afternoon, I took her to the bottom of the hillside, which happened to be covered with dandelions. I let her play on the grass by herself. Looking at her sitting among the dandelions on the hillside, I suddenly thought I do not expect her future to be more beautiful or dazzling. My life is not dazzling, those things we have not done, I have no reason to ask her to achieve. I just hope she can have a healthy life like the grass and trees here. I am thousands of miles away from home now, and one day she may float away like a dandelion. And now she is still budding under my feet, slowly blooming, all I have to do is to keep a good watch. I am afraid this will also be a fleeting day, which should be cherished.