Can you come back to me?

Can you come back to me?

I believe that one day I will do it. When I mention anything about you, I can chat with others with a smile, like talking about an ordinary old friend, but now, can you come back to me?


opened your moments again yesterday.

blocked you a long time ago, because I was afraid that your message would pop up suddenly when I was browsing on moments. after opening your moments, load for a few seconds and jump out of several new statuses. I clicked in carefully like a thief to see who liked and who left comments, and a few messages even made me laugh.

you are still the same.

I remember you used to come to me every day and ask me what you were doing. In words without any tone of voice, I can easily capture your emotions through the punctuation you use, happy, anxious, angry, and miss me. I always tell you that I am thinking about you, and then you say with great momentum that I will not go away.

it's always easy for me to remember these little things, which lie dormant in the details, like little secrets that only belong to two people. So now, when someone asks me what I'm doing, I always think of you. This feeling is wonderful, as if it is a habit that only belongs to you, can not be broken, reluctant to give up.

having dinner with a big brother a few days ago, he is already in his thirties and talked about his last girlfriend five years ago. Friends who knew him at the dinner table teased him and asked him why he gave up at that time. When he was still talking about his career plans with the people around him, he suddenly quieted down, and I even saw that he seemed to take a deep breath. In a moment of silence, he said faintly to his questioning friend, "drink", but he forgot to pick up the glass.

I have seen a sentence from Xiangyang Gyatso before, "for many years, you have been living in seclusion in my wound. I have put down heaven and earth, but I have never let you go. I am free to say goodbye to all the mountains and rivers in my life." even after a long time, mentioning that name seems to have never been loved, but when I liked this person at that time, I worked hard for him. So don't force me to think that you've left me, don't let those memories linger like Smokescreen, and don't let me fall into repeated thoughts.

-do you want her back?


tell yesterday, with my friends, someone proposed to play truth or dare.

S thinks he is very open-minded, so he says fearlessly, "you can ask whatever you want. There's nothing I can't say." So everyone dug up privacy and gossip, and he told us one by one.

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then S lost again, and a friend thought for a moment and asked him, "Which girl do you miss most now?" S was silent for a moment. "there is such a girl."

he said that all the stories about the girl had been hidden so deep that he thought he had forgotten. They met many years ago when there was no Wechat or Weibo or any social tools. After being out of touch for so many years, they were never able to find her again. S drank a lot of wine that day and shouted on the way back that he wanted to find the girl.

you want to go to the outside world to find freedom. I'll stay where I am and run out of tenderness. It doesn't matter. I still have time. I can wait for you. If our relationship is wrong, then I will no longer ask you if you can come back, and I hope you and I have not suffered in vain in this relationship.

in fragile love, we are all just beginners, learning to take responsibility, bear grievances, practice missing, practice losing, and learn to become calm and calm in the ups and downs of emotions. I believe that one day I will do it. When I mention anything about you, I can chat with others with a smile, like talking about an ordinary old friend, but now, can you come back to me?

it snowed heavily here a few days ago. It should be warmer over there.